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I downloaded this beautiful game but I can't go beyond the second day, you wrote in the descriptions that it has 2 hours of content but in less than half an hour I finish the second day and it tells me to go back to the menu. am I doing something wrong I have the game and that's all ? And if I'm wrong, what are the steps to do to continue moving forward?

I congratulate you because the game is beautiful and being a lover of disciplinary spanking and anime, these types of games are fantastic. a greeting, Harmand

(1 edit)

I'm glad you enjoyed the game! So the 2 hour estimate is an average based off a small sample of my Beta Testers that I had asked to time themselves when they played through the whole game from the start of Day 1 to the end of Day 2. This also includes the time spent loading a prior save in order to unlock all the scenes in "Kana's Memories." Granted, some people read faster than others so I understand that everyone's mileage may vary. The average did not include players that used the skip function for some of the dialogue and mini-games.