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Glad you are open to feedback. I'd be down to talk but probably not in the next month cuz I have pretty much of my own stuff rn.

It's important to remember that no one knows how to make YOUR game. Not even the best gamedesigners in the world. They sure know some stuff that makes their life easier but that's it.

Again what you need to do asap is to give your game to people and watch them play. Do this in batches of 5-10 people, take notes, ask them questions afterwards, fix/redo the problematic parts and strengthen the parts that brings joy and repeat the cycle.

After like 10-20 iterations you will get your game that is loved by players, that still gives players the fellings you wanted it to give initially(maybe even X5 times more) + community that await its release. That's gonna be a hard journey and you will have to make lots of tough decisions but I'm sure you can do it!