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dude! I’ve been working on this game (well, also the many iterations that came before it as well) for like 2 years. I’ve never seen anyone other than myself play through it.  Watching you play it was maybe the coolest thing I’ve ever experienced. Thank you thank you for taking the time to record, edit, and post it. Seriously. And I appreciate  the feedback as well - I agree! I tried to fit a little too much back story into a small time frame.   there’s still more to do in the demo (you can find the address and send it to twilight) but it’s on me for obscuring that slightly too much. Ha lots more work to do. Either way - you’re an awesome dude. Thanks for playing. 


I’m glad I was able to give helpful feedback! Keep working on the game & I can’t wait to see what this game ends up becoming! Hopefully more people will come & play your game & give you more feedback as well, because it is definitely worth the time!