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(1 edit)

Tyvm for feedback again.
Regarding balance: Personally the only upgrades i find really lacking are the 5% per upgrades ones. Game was supposed to have more upgrades, so with the amount of upgrades cut this one turned out to be meh.  As for the rest of them - they are not supposed to be equal. That was intentional. I also find some stuff being kinda meh on its own (like persisting 3rd star upgrade through BH reset) but really powerful in combination with other stuff (3rd star upgrade affecting planet). I did want to add SOME choice to the game to make it not so braindead. Another thing on the topic of balance is - yeah, it was rushed. Just as everything else, i will be fleshing it out after the jam is finished, but for now the balance is quite barebones. I.E first upgrade price is just increased 1.3 times with every purchase, while ideally i should have done some scaling stuff.

Regarding code: noted. Will do when fleshing it out.

Regarding separate JS: That was the initial plan, but it didnt work at all when uploaded to itch this way. Just showed a cluttered mess of all the upgrades in top left corner and none of the assets etc.