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story/RP idea 

The kings child was falsely accused of insanity and was arrested, being sent to maximum security prison. Presumably to rot in there for all of eternity, it was fine to the king as they had another heir when the king passes. The king does pass after a long amount of years, during that time the falsely accused heir had actually gone insane but was released by their unknowing sibling. The now freed heir started to hear voices and see spirits. 

A spirit took advantage of their insanity, teaching them to hide it and pretend to be sane while convincing them to murder their sibling and take their rightful thrown

The insane heir succeeds in hiding their insanity, though the voices tell them to retake what was theirs, a small part of them doesn't want to murder their sibling 

It's a battle between the voices and the insane heir's will to not kill their sibling

It's a battle between the voices and the insane heir's will to not kill their sibling

And their will is slipping


Help and opinions would be appreciated greatly :')


this is awesome ! 

It’s so good !




It's rlly good!




I like this

very good :D


ty Cheerio! 

I'm glad you liked it


You're welcome 😋


oo this is rlly creative


thx Rose!


Can i tell u my RP Idea????





Long ago,there was a realm,created by an unkown god. .

The unkown god had enraged the creatures of that realm to end it safely,But,upon seeing how foul of a war it had caused,it decide to stop it,resulting in the god destroying itself.

Before the god destoryed itself,it created three minor gods to look after the realm.These three gods were known as"The Radia."

The radia were:



And lastly,Curruption.

Since the radia were different to one another,they used to balance eachother out.But one fatefull day. . .

The radia broke out into a war! Lines were drawn,Mortals were killed,until there were THREE kingdoms belonging to the THREE RADIA.




Out of their madness,the three radia cursed the ppl of their empires,forcing them to folow there beliefs.If you dont live by the curse given by youre radia,The punishment can be as severe as death.

Yet,there were some unaffected by the curse,these were known as"The Unbounded."

And i am one of them,i am an unbounded.Yet,i am not a pure unbounded,I used my divinity to be this way,I am the famous hunter from Valinsneria "SCARLET DEATH." I used my divinity to turn unbounded,everyone in my land thinks im dead,But i am not.i have moved to the city of MUSICALIA,i have left my past behind,now,i just want to live my life peacfully.

OCS(i still have to make picrews for these-)


Astrid's "freinds":Aroura,Amelie,Chris.

Astrids best freind:Milly

Astrids new parents:??? ???

More coming soon :')


If we're exchanging rp ideas I wanna join.



Feel free to join I love hearing about others ideas :D


ok I haven't written one in a long time so please forgive me if its a bit unorganized

There's many stories surrounding mirrors, things like Bloody Mary or ghosts only being seen in reflections. Some say mirrors are a gateway to another dimension. Some say your reflection is actually sentient. Though it's all fun and games, we all know none of that is true... right?

Person A's world gets turned upside down when they look in the mirror one day and realize they're not the one in the reflection. From this point on every mirror or reflective surface around them only showed this other person, Person B, instead of Person A themselves. For some reason other people can't see it, only Person A and B. Each live in 2 different universes but for some reason they are connected in their reflections and they decide to find out why, where and when this happened. On their journey they unfold a confusing mystery, bigger than they possibly could've imagined.

It's a bit weird in terms of the way it's written sorry







yoooo epic!!