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I am currently researching some Indie Games, one of them being "The Divine Paradox". Are you the creator of said game? If so: I have some questions and would like to make an interview. If you have any questions, you can reach me at NyraJinx+Research[at]

Thanks for your time already :)

To this game: The theme itself is very heavy, which is nice, but also makes some dialogue feel too on the nose, since it has such a tense frame. I sadly got stuck early in the labyrinth, I feel like I tried everything I could, but sadly I did not advance. The levels looked good, but the denial demon (or whatever you might call it) was way too loud for me. I already had the game at 20% and it still pierced my ears. I guess that was partly on purpose to portray its significance, but I still felt like it was too loud.