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how do i trigger this?

Added the option to have Chloe grow a dick with Gabby's help. (Available late in the PC Feminization storyline after being pegged by Chloe after having to visit the doctor. all i havent done so far is get breasts


Sorry, to be more specific, you have to have been through the point in which Chloe and Chet take you to the hospital and has a doctor exam you, then take you back home and Chloe pegs you. You also need to have brought Gabby the Trinket from the park. Once you're at (or past) that point, you will have the option 'Mention Gabby to Chloe' when talking to her in her room.

I hope that makes sense

oh ok so far the only time ive seen chet was when he caught me and felix watching the video