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(few-spoiler review)

I'm a extremely lazy person, I'm not really a fan of reading, that includes books and text-based games, so I always skip a lot of text when playing visual novels. I'm also a cold hearted person. I belive only 2 movies in my entire life made me cry, and I rarely cry more than once a year. That said, while playing Adastra, I did not skip a single line of text, and it made me cry. But more than cry, laugh, get angry, get sad, get bittersweet. That's how good this game is. It's without doubt THE BEST visual novel I've ever played, and I do belive it's not even more popular than it is because it is a furry gay nsfw game. It's well written, and has amazing art.

That said, I do have some criticisms, mainly the fact that the protagonist is just insufferable. He takes WAY too long to show affection to Amicus, even when he admit's he's attracted to him and likes him. That wolf deserves WAY more hugs and affectionate words (and sex) than this guys gave him. The way he speaks is just awful, not elegant like the other characters. Amicus always states his feelings and concerns for the main character almost poetically, and this guy response is like "yeah", "sure". He's also constantly virtue signaling to everyone around him.


I must say the game is very well made. It reads me like a book because I see myself would act like Amicus would that is why I really like it. I like to read horoscope too (me a Pisces and Aries cusp). So in the game I focus on Amicus not Marco!