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Hi , i just started playing recently. Is there any way to reset sex potions? I keep having to fight people with 20x my HP in tower and it just doesn't make sense. Do you guys spend all sex potions on HP?

No you can't reset sex positions, but i think you can buy viagra in the shop with $. If your account is new, it maybe easier to start a new account.

What league are you in? since the august update i never saw ppl with much more hp than me in the tower. but i am not in the top leagues.

I can't top up $ , Epoch doesn't want my money. They told me to sign an agreement with them and give them control over my card if i want to top up roflmao. And i'm league 3 i only started the game 4 days a go. I have 4.7k HP and i have to fight 15-20k HP peope which is nuts.

You need to do free activities to get Power Girls, the Water Queen of dungeons is a good choice, gems are used as much as possible to upgrade HP, and when you get a set of water cards with upgrades, cooldowns, and double damage will get you into League 1 easily

Thanks for the tips. How do i get more toys for damage though? I see people rocking 1k attack on cards and my highest is 190 T_T

At present, I can only get upgraded toys or buy toys occasionally sold in the mall. By level 25, I can have 25 free toys. Most of my gems are strengthened on HP, reaching 41k, attack power 2K, and HP doubles every time I upgrade.

After entering League 1, you will unlock the player leaderboard. As long as you are willing to spend time, you can almost get a set of cards every week. Normal-Mythical Girl