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(2 edits)

by horse, you mean the stallion right?

i have another question. this might not be related to the above but are you somehow related to the developer or just some random player like me? because i need to know whether the second chapter require me to buy it again even though I already bought the first chapter or not.

Yes, i was talking about the Stallion. 

And, no.  I'm just a player, that kind of question needs to be addressed to the Dev, you can try to do it on its blog (  And it might take a while before the answer, since according to they blog, the Dev is busy with the incoming release of a new game 

Haha, alright then. i've gone to the website before but for unknown reason, it keeps loading in my laptop. well, I guess i just need to wait for the dev to respond.

The age verification page doesn't load properly? In that case just delete the cache and cookies of the website and try again. Usually happens when you have a adblock or such activated the first time you enter