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I really like this game. just from the art alone it looks fantastic! I got to hand it to you devs, you know how to make a 2d platformer (if that is what it is sorry have no clue if it is or not) look amazing!! 

I also like the animation that you put into it. The only thing that I would like to say is please do not rush through this project of yours. I know way to many people rush through just to get their project on time and it comes out a bit shitty. So please do take your time and enjoy what you are creating. Other than that this is a really good game and I hope that whatever you add in the next updates are things that you are proud to have worked on and put into your game

p.s. The mushroom doggo looks cute!!

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Thank you Lip for your concern. Yes, I will spend enough time to develop this game👍


Thank you for playing this game! I will be adding many more pictures in the future. I want to complete this game as soon as possible, but I will make it carefully so that the quality will not deteriorate. And thank you for liking the mushroom doggo🥰