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Dude...WTF! I come here expecting sone shitty porn game to take care of my boredom and instead i find this gem... Havent finished yet but you made me cry so many times it's almost funny. I literally made an account just to post this because you are an amazing storyteller and honestly i can't wait tu see what else you got...

Keep up the amazing work!




Update... Finished the game... Wow... 

Honestly that ending... it was perfect men, i'm not a usually emotional guy but the entire time you managed to make me feel everything like it was my own story... and that ending i both love it because WOW and hate it because it's the end you know... That scene with the random dude at the train station dude the minute i realised what was going on i just broke down, cold not stop sobbing for like 5 minute straight...

Really hoping for a sequel coz im invested in those characters now, i mean it i wanna know what hapens next... or maybe since you are revamping it add more storylines, more topics to explore, maybe add Breaden's POV stuff like that because i feel like the end came too soon...

Anyways... Thank you so much for this and really hoping it's not the end of this story i love it way to fuking much!!!


heya, sorry I'm slow to get back to this message. I saw your first one but was busy over the weekend. glad you made it to the end and i'm glad you enjoyed the ending. shit made me cry too and i wrote the damn thing, lol. we just had the braden pov topic come up on the discord again today. i dont have any plans right now for a braden pov but it was something i was looking at really early on. i ended up changing my mind because i sorta think the mystery of braden and his nonconformity is actually more powerful and relatable to people without giving all kinds of details. i want more, too. i miss these guys. 

but hey, check out the revamp version. you played my rough draft. legit had no idea what i was doing so that was just me messing around in the beginning until i really started to feel more comfortable. if you liked the rough draft, i think you'll really like the revamp, it's way better. it's still a work in progress tho so it's just the first chapter right now but i'm still actively working on it. anyway, appreciate the post and sorry my porn game made you sob :p


Dude don't be sorry this was amazing! seriously in my top 5 best story of all time and you aren't even a professional, i'm in awe...

Right now you have a diamond in the rough, i cant wait to see what you do with it!!! Hopefully you will lenghten it, not gonna lie i loved it so much i was actually sad it was over and that everything hapenned too fast and i wish they had more time to get to know eachother and build their friendship, so adding detail to their story would endear us to them even more...

For the Braden POV you dont have to do it :P i'm just curious as to what was going on  in his head the hole time, i mean that guy is just so amazing i would like a peak in his head. Maybe once you are done with the main game you will make an extendes version including it for those of us who are interested, maybe not dosent matter in the end i'm sure it will be extraordinary either way. 

By the way i feel like when you originally introduced the other characters you kinda made them into potential romentic partners but scrapped the idea either because you wanted to perfect one route at a time or just changed your idea midway but im happy the way those friendship turned out, i mean if you did add those possibility later on i would play them out of curiosity but i feel they are unnessary, like you have already made me fall for Braden and at this point i would prefer to get more of him than other options... but anyway you do you, im sure that if you did add other romance they would be as beautiful and meaningfull as what we already have...

Anyways as you so beautifully said in the game nothing last forever, so ill sign off with this: I never expected a game to be that good or to make me feel so much, or to be so meaningfull, Zack was so relatable i almost felt like it was my story and i was actually living it instead of just playing a game, and Braden... Honestly i have no idea how you managed to make such an amazing character, i coulden't help but fall in love with him too... I dont think you realise just how much of an impact this game had on me and will have on many in the future, i'm still shaking dude...

I cant wait to see what you do next so keep up the amazing work and i hope i find a Braden of my own somewhere someday.