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ye,it's me,I like your game very much,thank you to make it

now, I'll tell the Harmony(You can think is the others Android but some places are different from Android)user how to Download it

First,Download it and use the Decompressor like the zarchiver(It's popular in Chinese)If you ain't the Chinese people you can also use your countries'

Second,put it on the netdisk(If you used badu or quark you should Modify suffix like a删pk)then Download it again

Finally,delete the“删”and it's become the apk

and one thing I have to say,他妈的为什么中国要查文件内容是否有色情啊,想去香港可是我在甘肃兰州,妈的批vpn网还不好,下个文件能下一天而且中间断网还得重来


hee,but who cares me?I used itch after12.20 it's mean I am the nood and I do this is only for develop my English

that all,thank to read that


ah,fuck,It's in1:27.Am,maybe I should go to bed?motherfucker who cares? I should have a sex with my girlfriend and do it again.She fall asleep right now🤔.Oh,tomorrow I have a text