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Dialogue Buttons only have 1 Method of changing selection/Ok via movement keys and attack/interact key, but I haven't disabled ArrowKey/Enter/Regular selection Setup, so it probably runs into issues there. I'll redo the selection Part for this. 

Camera should allow pitch of a few Degrees. I look back if I have actually set this up correctly or if I again forgot something there, thank you.

I personally like Face Buttons for combat more then Triggers, but I can see where you're coming from. I think about wether or not I change it, or offer 2 Sets of Input Options for next DD. Or maybe full rebind menu if I get to that until then.

dont offer multiple control schemes of your own. force the player to learn what you think is best and MAYBE offer rebinding ingame. anyone who seriously cares can just use one of a million rebinding tools

To clarify, I ment for next DD, just so People can try out both Ways, in Case Trigger-combat and DPad Itemswatch is actually better. Obviously I'm not going to offer multiple Options in the End.