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(1 edit)


I recently ended up losing my game save and decided to download the latest update and start over from the beginning.

Maybe it's something on my device, but all the animations from chapter 1... They're not there.

Only still images.

I still haven't reached chapter 2 or 3 to say about them, but even in the gallery the animations from chapter 1 are like this.

Considering no one else seems to have said anything it's probably something with my device, but I decided to speak up anyway.


It could be something about your device i loaded to the animation when you meet Gwen and worked fine for me.

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Yeah, I rebooted and it's back to normal.

My fault for trying to rush to where I was before in one sitting and when something happened not even trying the most basic thing ever.

It's just that coming here was my first reaction considering that in the (likely) over-a-year that I've been playing the game this has never happened, haha.

So used to the flawless of the game that I got all riled up when something happened.