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you could easily turn this into an 8-bit ALU, unfortunately DLS can only hold 16 pins at the very most, god i wish we could have more pins

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I have upgraded his spaghet 4 bit logical processor to a spaghet 8 bit logical processor. And addition got rolled into it. You can have more than sixteen pins. SUBTR8 has 18, and this chip now has 20.
Edit: There needs to be an OR gate between mode select and SUBTR8.

Here's what I think to be an 8 bit SpaghetLU. The mode switcher could be more refined, but with all the buttons shoved together due to there just not being much room, it will just have to work like this. But it does work.

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How many instructions does it have? (or does it have all mine)

It has the same instructions, it just has 8 bit inputs, because someone in this thread insinuated it couldn't be done.