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indeed I am


yk I'm actually considering having "dead people can't play mobile games" as my senior quote.



You should 


I definitely should. That reminds me, I was looking through an old yearbook and one of the senior quotes was

"Power corrupts. Knowledge is power. Study hard. Be evil."  -Elanor Roosevelt

All the others were lame quotes like talking abt oh all the friends they made and wow school is so great but we all know they don't actually feel that way and just stole that quote from somewhere on the internet cause ether couldn't be bothered to actually put something interesting.

"Maybe the real education was the friends we made along the way"/j



mine would probably be "to eeby deeby with you all." 

And then never eleborate what 'eeby deeby' is

(1 edit) (-1)

mmm yes eeby deeby such profound words.

Man why's everyone at my school so lame, why can't they have senior quotes like this.


I have no idea 

Another quote idea from Failboat tho "Frosty the snowman decided that one day, that if you see him approaching you should pick a god and pray." 

One of my favs