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I personally enjoyed the Ezmore’s Crystals a lot. It was a fun open-world game in a world of Lego, and there were many quests that gave you things that weren’t part of the main storyline.

I think that the games controls were quite simple, and most of the movement and combat system is mouse-based. While this isn’t as complicated or skill-based as many would like, there is a skill-based aspect in the preparation for a fight, that is deciding what combination of armor and weapon to bring to a fight, and whether to use a ranged weapon for a certain boss or try to go in and tank its attacks while attacking it with a melee weapon. But there are some aspects of using the mouse to move that I think should be fixed, or at least changed. There is a feature on the map where if you left click somewhere on the map, it creates a large orange thing on the map. But it is also shown in the game, and if you get too close to it you can’t move because of the clicking-based movement system. But besides that, the movement has remained quite smooth.

I think the ambient music and the sound effects of all the enemies mix near-perfectly, and I liked the familiarity of some of the sounds. I found the graphics of the game to be quite good as well, and I really liked the way that the Lego characters were mixed with different, non-Lego graphics. I also really liked the goblin king, partially because the hobbit is great and partially because of the different in graphics between him and the character I was playing.


I personally enjoyed this game a lot, but it does have some small, fixable, bugs. 4/5 stars.