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Nuts! It’s cold outside is an ambitious project! It has a lovely world full of cute graphics, with many different environments and characters. You you were able to create small animals as well as more complicated human characters in pixel art, surrounding charming theme of a squirrel preparing for winter.  (I appreciate the pun of the metal nuts.)

However, I was not able to get the mechanic to notice my metal nuts. I searched all the screens and tried a different order in how I collect them and talk to characters. But I could not understand how to forward the game, which is a bummer! But I can see how much effort went into this, and how vast the world is from the trailer. You have poured a lot of love into this project. I love your passion and hope you get to do great things with it in the future! Great work!

Thanks for the feedback! A small percentage of people have had the similar feedback that they've not realised they can go inside the train to find more metal nuts (or didn't realise immediately).

That is one of the graphics that the game jam deadline left little time to work on more, but I am planning to return with some tweaks in spring after the Jam review has taken place! I hope that you'll consider giving it another go, there's so much more to see.