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Day 273 - A lot of things I want to talk about

1. New looks of the gem

2. Holding Shift while pressing Right-Click causes Tyro, the player to throw purple rocks. Those purple rock can rotate the blue gems, instead of using special purple tiles

3. New GUI, yay :D

4. Now the player have four health instead of three

5. Clicking the potion to:

 - Fill it up by storing 4 stones in it (if its empty)

- Cause the player to heal by consuming it (if its filled up)

6. New font, no choosing sadly :(

7. Weapon Scrollbar, used so the abilities can be activated using Left-Click

8. Refill stone ammo by holding L-Shift, Tyro can't move when refill. 5 stones max, no 6 

9. Doing something that make Mojang proud, weaponizing fishing rods and turning it into an ability

- Hold F (or Left-Click if it's equipped in the GUI weaponbar) will make Tyro charge the rod

- Charging for 1 second will make the rod ready to be launched

- Release F or Left-Click when the rod is ready will launched the rod to the mouse position

- Release when the rod is not ready or waiting for too long will cancel the charge

- Any enemy that are hooked will be damaged while some mechanisms will be activated

10. New pause menu, yay :D

- Music and SFX settings

- Colorblind accessibility by color the gems into 10 colors

- Control settings

- Load save file and Quit game option (no saving files becus you must saved by checkpoints)

 Finally a productive time!