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A topic by TsunamaCade created Dec 31, 2022 Views: 146 Replies: 8
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How did both of us upload a Krampus game at the same time?!

Also, few tips, since you made it in Unity, make sure to set Cursor.LockState to locked, and set the Canvas scaler to to Scale With Screen Size. Just a few tips. :)


Holy Shit bro thank you, i have been trying to lock the cursor for WEEKS.


but also if I do scale with screen size then the UI goes beyond my screen.

While in your editor, just make your game screen as large as possible while still having access to the inspector, and just move them back on the screen. Best advice for your next game: before adding any UI, fix the canvas to screen size first, then add UI. Makes life a whole lot easier.

Developer (1 edit)

fixed it, thanks bro


how would i use the cursor.lockstate method, when i try it says "cursor does not contain a definition for LockState" and "the name 'locked' does not exist in the current context


Tried doing no caps and caps, did not wor

Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;

Put that in the start method of your player script


already fixed it lo