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Hello! I'm not sure if I ever ended up writing a comment here but, I've been following the progress of Repurpose since sometime near the first initial release of the demo. 

I found Repurpose entirely by chance and didn't even know much about visual novels at the time, I didn't even know that existed nor did I have an account! Repurpose was one of the first visual novels I played through, and played a part in making me find my love for visual novels. Repurpose has also been a constant inspiration for me over these past few years as I eagerly watched it grow. It even made me rediscover my love for writing! I hold this visual novel so close to my heart and I am so excited to see it grow even more. So thank you for taking the time to create this beautiful work of art.

I've played through only a few routes so far (Noel's, Dj Roadkill's, and Kalei's) and they are so well done! I love how the story is unfolding right now and AAAA I'm so excited for part 2, I am eagerly waiting! I love them all so much and plan to play through all the routes when I have more free time.

On another note, I have a few questions as I am a very curious person! Feel free to answer them or not, also I am not sure if these have been asked already.  (1) Do you have an estimated amount of words and gameplay time for the complete version of Repurpose? (2) How many words were in part 1? (3) What inspired you to create Repurpose?

That is all, hope you have a good day!