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apart from one consistently weird writing eccentricity (way too many exclamation marks! Like really it's ridiculous! The following sentence did not need both exclamation marks—it comes off as amateur!) the rest of this VN's writing is totally solid, and I absolutely loved it

Like, the worldbuilding was absolutely top-notch, the humour was really well done and abundant, making an otherwise slightly slow opening tonnes of fun, and the intrigue had me consistently... well... intrigued. The plot was interesting, and occasionally, when this VN wants to, it puts out some of the most disturbing atmospheres out there. The scene in the radio station with the loud, glitchy equipment, and our two encounters with demons, were both very off-putting.

The second encounter


very well done. The author did not lie when saying soundscapes enhance this VN. Although sparsely used, the horror is made so much better by it. (Also the title theme is a total banger) (also I noticed that there were different stages for the drum soundtrack during the indulgence! Nice attention to detail)

The characters were all richly nuanced, which you love to see (and Loken especially was pleasantly nuanced, with behaviour that takes a different light as you learn about him, instead of him changing his behaviour (an existent, but not primary shift unlike in other VNs with rough personas) as you further your romance.

Also, I love the way worldbuilding has added some delicious angst and uncertainty to their relationship(?). What a great way to make sure two obviously compatible protagonists don't have an established happy-ever-after by the end of act 1. 

I def recommend this VN for fans of like, One Last Night, maybe In Case of Emergency? But basically if you like humour horror and great characters/plot, this is amazing (the overused exclamation marks never get that annoying, don't worry! At least the grammar and vocabulary are both impeccable)


..."playfully mimicking tears"
