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Can i somehow use a hand while playing on pc?

Could you please elaborate? VR or desktop? use a hand to do what?

Desktop, yes. The mouse only controls the cursor in active scenes, while it only allows you to drag the fabric of the clothes, and no more interaction with the environment. I would also like to have a model of a mouse-controlled hand to interact with the character and toys inside the location, as shown in the videos with VR gameplay. Thank you for your attention! ))

I understand. The gameplay of the desktop version is very limited at the moment and we will continue to work on it this year. I think we will start by allowing to detach clothes that can be (the pink zipper), and having new animated toys, maybe a hand. As for controlling the hand and toys yourself with your mouse, it's definitely possible to some extent and we will add that to the road map ^^

Thanks a lot. I just wanted to know if this is possible. Then I will wait. :)