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Region Actors

A topic by James K. Isaac created Dec 28, 2022 Views: 126 Replies: 4
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(1 edit)

Seasons greetings, Synrec

I have encountered a problem placing region actors, as I want to use them in battles, in excess of the usual four actor slots. I copied the method used in your tutorial:

<Region Actor 17: [33]>

<Region Actor 17 Event: 5> (I've tried with and without an event.  A text event works, then leads to the same problem below)

The battler appears on the map, in region 17. When it comes around to this battler's turn, I get a crash to this message:

this._battler.enemy is not a function

 As far as I know, I have set up this actor the same as the others. I might be missing a trick here. 

(Edit: Just experienced the same problem with repeating repeats, where an action set to repeat twice carries on until all actors in range of the action  are dead.)

Thanks for your constant support of this great plugin.


Thanks for reporting, I'll patch it in the next update 

Thanks.  Merry festivities. 


Happy Holdays for you as well, all the best for 2023!


This issue has been patched in the upcoming update v1.0.0