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How to zine (a wip) Sticky

A topic by palus created Dec 29, 2022 Views: 110 Replies: 2
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HostSubmitted (1 edit)


At the moment, I am working on making a zine about zines! I thought it would be fitting for this jam but turned out to be a lot more work than I thought.

Zines are very personal to their creators and often carry an imprint of their essence wherever they go! My point being it is rather hard to make a be-all-end-all on the subject but I hope to make something digestible for anyone to be able to jump in.

That's all I have to share right now really!

What got you into making zines and why do you make them? Are there any tricks, tips or tools you use behind the scenes? Let me know below :)

I'm planning on adding a little workbook for zine making at the back so any answers to those will help. 


I got a "How to write a story" guide in zine format at an event,  made a zine about fun moments I had with a girlfriend, I'm also thinking about making a game in zine format, and some templates for me to fill through time, like travels and stuff... just seems to be fun to have a box full of zines about my life, like photo albums use to be.

HostSubmitted (1 edit)

That sounds really cool! I think zines provide an awesome format for getting knowledge out their in an easier to digest format :D 

You should make that game zine though!  I've been trying to orchestrate one myself but have gotten overwhelmed a lil bit (a bit more than I could chew). For now, it's one of my many world-building projects. 

The idea of a fill-in over-time zine sounds interesting as well :o It'd be a nice memoir to reflect on and see what's changed. I always struggled to fill photobooks but scrapbools and zines feel a lot more fun yknow?

I hope your day is awesome!!