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I was surprised by the quality of the visuals in this game. The drawing of the characters is excellent, as are the backgrounds. It is surprising that you have achieved such a high-quality result for a game jam lasting only one month.

As for the story, it is the typical narration of the blossoming of a love between two characters, with many common places. I think a lot of effort has been put into making the characters "charming," but not so much in making them realistic, and so, sometimes, their reactions seem childish for the kind of people they are supposed to be (two young professionals, one a writer and the other an engineer). I must confess that this is not the kind of story that usually interests me, so my review should be taken with a pinch of salt.

As for the programming and user interface design, I can only say that they are excellent. The game looks polished, and the animations and responsiveness of the controls are excellent. Overall, a very good result for work done in just one month.

I include here a couple of screenshots of some errors I found in the text, in case you find it useful to correct them.



Hope that helps!


Thank you for the in-depth review! Really appreciate you taking the time to check our game out. We'll fix these bugs in a future update, hope you have a happy new year!