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(3 edits) (+1)

Hi, it's me again, I finally managed to solve that error, and i can say that game has a lot of potencial, really good, and fun too. Here are some suggestions of what else you can add from the game.

*Audience sounds. ( Which can change tone as deaths or dismemberments are made.)

*An arena mode. (where there may be more Npc's to fight.)

*Customization. ( Character customization, such as choosing weapons, armor, or shields.)

*A shop system. ( Can be used to buy items for customization.)

*Small details. ( Like birds, step effects, bloody footprints, and more.)

*A difficulty system. (self explanatory.)

*Easier body dismemberment. (this is just an ideia.)

*New maps. (self explanatory.)

*Magic swords. ( I know this is supposed to be a medieval game, buit i can't get over that fact that magic swords, realistic or not, would be pretty cool.)

Like i said, you game looks amazing, i managed to fix that bug last night, and i should have a few hours playing by now. And i would buy it even if it was 200 dollars. Great game man, very good.

Thank you a lot!!

Wow! Believe or not, but most of those things are already planned, we just need "some" time to make them ((:

But EASIER dismemberment? Most of people complained it is too easy now hehe (:



i know my comment about the easier dismemberment seems strange, i just thought ripping off the head is harder than the legs or arms, i was thinking of making lower limbs a little harder, and the head a little easier. But that's not a problem, just a suggestion. Great game, very good job.

By the way, i have a few more ideias for your game, i made a little list. If you want me send it just let me know ;)



You can also post them in the #feedback channel in Discord. We are making a roadmap and we include those suggestions there as well.


My name in discord is Pedraum'-', if i can i'll send you in private so  as i not disturb other in the suggestions channel.