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last night, me and johana went roller skating

ofc this stupid bitch hasn't skated in over 1 year, so she kept on falling...

now she held onto me

i still dont understand how she can be SO good at ice skating but suck at roller skating


we were holding hands cuz like from there i was able to sorta catch her or keep her stable for a few seconds, and on the corners she'd start grabbing onto me tighter


she was filming

and i had said

"wait, we're slaying!!!"

and ofc karma and my bad luck went after me

so 1 second after i said that

she fell

dragged me down

and we both started laughing

so yes

that was last night

and now this friday i'm going bowling with romina

which will ALSO be slay

so thats my life!

merry late christmas

dec, 28th 2022