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Deleted 358 days ago

This is by far the best review i've read of this game, I respect that you aren't afraid of giving negative criticism.

I respect this, thank you for your comment. I feel the same about the current build and I want to really make a bunch of changes to make this game as good as it can be, first is the upgrade to 0.8 which will include major graphical overhalls and level overhalls. Once we have a stable foundation, we will improve the GUI, which I believe needs some re-adjusting. When it comes to other games, In-Heat has been a top priority, I might help out other gamedevs with their projects but In-Heat has been the major project on our teams plate (Heartstruck is slowly being developed, yes but its like one new thing a month. Barely anything to be concerned about when several other gamedevs are running 3-6 projects all at the same time to siphon as much money as possible from a weak market.)

We will improve and kick ass. 


If you would like to discuss further, I would love to listen! My Discord is Smug#0413