I read your other blog post as well. Sorry to hear about DemonBear's health issues in September, and I'm glad she's feeling better now. I get how frustrating it is to not be working, but I can't stress enough how important it is to take breaks for self-care even though it can feel self-indulgent/unproductive.
Anyway, on a positive note: I'm totally looking forward to what you bring us for next year! Can't wait to play "Teachers, with love and passion" again to see the new routes and what is changed in the current ones. I shouldn't be picking favourites... but 3 new scenes for Markus!! This sounds such a massive update from everything that is written the bullet list! The mention of "Colorful MIRAI" and "Renting Love 2" is super exciting too and I will be patiently waiting for whatever you prepare for them.