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I was stimming so freaking much today and my mom shouted at me cause she didn't know what was happening and now I'm sad but don't worry I explained it to her and she apologized and I'm not as sad anymore.


I still am sad but you know what would un-sad me

Probably some sleep. And a drink. Hmm...

And the ability to stop time so I have a bunch of free time to be stupid and do whatever before I have to go and do stuff and be around people tomorrow and sit in a house with a bunch of people and only one bathroom for like, a few days or smthn ☹️

No one there is my age as well and the only people who I vibe with live in another building and probably won't visit too much.

I want to sleep but at the same time, I don't want to throw away all this freedom and privacy and not having to sleep uncomfortably and surrounded by people in a dark dark room with absolutely no light which is scary.

I kinda don't wanna go but I wanna see my family at the same time, especially the only people there I vibe with cause I rlly wanna see them.

Imma ask my mom when we go back home and if I can go early. 🚶‍♀️


Do the griddy at her 👍


Idk how to


me either


i can teach you i do it all the time


How do you do it?


just tip toe very fast while moving your arms up and down slowly

