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I Like to work on ONE THING at a time unlike you who updates little things every once in a while- i recommend you change your working style-it is rather unorganized. 

(e.g you added mortar but only his first upgrades) wouldn't it be better to release it when all upgrades are finished? I was once playing bloonarius and to defend i saw the wizard to defend bloonarius's spawns only to realize you have only added it up to 0-0-0, which led me to lose the match)

im attention deficit so dont judge me, also i dont just have one upgrade path for every monkey thats why it takes so long to finish a tower, ill add more upgrades today


good progress

yea yea thats cool, but what does your damage system look like? i tried your game and it appears to use touching blocks which im assuming it does, but no hate, i also notice that ace doesnt have a runway, you have to click the rapidly moving ace yourself which is a hassle

fair argument

you'd make a great buisnessman, and i'd make a great programmer so why don't we start a company, you advertise and i code. You see, my code is optimized and well thought out and you could plan out a game and i will code it we can team up

my point is, your more skilled in the business and im more skilled in the coding

i agree with that.

what wizard upgrade did you want exactly? so far i have arcane spike and dragon's breath, and planning to add summon phoenix

I wanted wof but seems as u have added it-necromanxer would be cool


i dont feel like adding necromancer, i dont like drawing hoods, i always mess up the shape


hm it’s more of an oval not too bad