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Rant: Here are my criticisms of V0.1.5 game, they won’t go in any specific order.

1. Why have a horror chase music when this game should be all about sex? Horror and porn doesn’t mix. Maybe better would be to remove the chase music.

2. Decorating the desk is pointless, since most of the time you either will be running around and doing tasks, or sitting in a vent when all girls are loose.

3. Stop wasting time adding pointless shit like meme material and costumes for the main guy, when no one cares how he looks like. You are wasting your time and patreon money on stuff that should be last on your to do list. If you add costumes, I do hope it is for the girls.

4. Speaking of main character, I would rather have him deleted. I don’t like how he looks like, his character or manners, and I shouldn’t have to sit there and watch him jack off to porn. Why even have that part of the story segment. I rather would have a blank slate character who never speaks, and it just a self insert. Let the player answer questions to whoever is talking to them. Games like Half-Life did it, and it worked fine.

5. Game is too difficult to actually enjoy it as an adult game. Tasks need to be completed fast, and you will have girls loose, it is a matter of time. Once it happens, you will either be in your office shitting yourself, or hiding in a vent, hoping that the fuse won’t break, so you can at least watch some cameras.

6. Tasks are not worth doing. Once I finish few of them, I don’t bother with the rest, because 4 girls running around is too high risk to even try to complete them. Had a fuse break, tried going to fix it, got caught by Chicu, decided it is not worth it. Staying untouched is more beneficial then going for tasks and getting caught. Also who’s bright idea was to add a puzzle on a wall in the main dinning area.

7. Difficulty settings are a slap to the face of people, almost like you mock them. If you play on easy, you get -500$ just for playing on easy. Hard earns you 300$. Question is, why even have a system like this? People who will come to play this game, will come for the porn aspect, not to get stressed, get in debt, and then being mocked for picking easier difficulty. You forgot that these people are paying you money, and potential customers will turn away when you treat them like shit.

8. Based on how you made your game, gameplay loop is not that great. Go around, wind some music, watch Fexa, give coins to Bonfie, check the microwave. If it fails, sit in a vent. There is no good reason to wander around the club if you decide not to do tasks, and then you just sit somewhere quietly, and waste your time. You know what I would have done? How about interacting with the girls. Instead of music box for Frenni, how about I would go and dance with her, to prevent her from coming after me. Go to fexa, look at her in person, go to Chicu, cook something with her, go to Bonfie, play some minigames with her. Anything really to make sure that the game loop is not watching cameras and sitting in a vent. The only time you see the girls is either through cameras, when they chase you, or when you are fucked.

9. You can buy consumable items like girl spray repel, and adrenaline. Cool idea, but why does it cost a fortune for a one time use spray? 250$ for a spray is too much, considering that I could just take no risk, ignore the task and not waste my money and time.

10. It is a porn game that actively tries to prevent you from having sex, while heavily penalizing you for a failure. Would have been better that failure means you won’t get payed or just won’t advance the night. Either way, a bad game design. In Heat – Lustful Nights does it better. Failure costs nothing, but to earn money and find secrets, you want to stay untouched.

I have seen projects like this, they show up, drain money on patreon and almost never get finished. I do hope that this one will be different, but instead of making a game, you waste your time and money adding more memes, eastern eggs, and stuff that no one wants. I wonder where your priorities lie, because you’re starting to look like Yandere dev.