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(2 edits) (+4)

So basically, I was reluctant to try this VN because I thought ''a human MC, this is gonna be some cliche I woke up with a hot furry bf and some evil guy appears'' BOY WAS I WRONNGGG. Not going to spoil anything but this has to be the most engaging VN I played since the Smoke Room, Echo and Burrows. I actually felt the terror on the MC when a certain event happens, I have to thank you for being able to experience this VN.

PS: If a sex scene happens, please let us go Adastra mode and decide if we are going to top or sub the love interest, pretty please?
Edit: Another one LMAO, I should comment after finishing the build


Right????? The fact that we dont have a description of how the demons look like, that they are so so indescribably (for lack of better term) horrifying...

It just leaves it to imagination, and god damm I love that!

It makes me feel the same fear the MC feels in a kind of way