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I suggest the addition of different maps, such as a battlefield outside a castle or town, then another map that is the inside of the town which is a village. Then one that's a sort of empty grasslands, then a swampy map or marshland. More map suggestions would be a entire forest with interactable places spread through out, a desert, a cliff where you can kick people off if kicking is added, then a arena sort of a colosseum or something. Now for general game suggestions, instead of having to restart or having the NPC already there, why not add a menu where you can spawn a variety of NPC's with a variety of weapons or with no weapon, with armor and helmets or without, and a clothing menu where you can change your clothes with a variety of shirts, pants, shoes, armors, helmets, hairs, and faces. A final suggestion would be adding modding to the game and making a sort of workshop and downloading page inside the game which allows you to use the mods.

Hi! Thank you for the suggestion!

We will add most of the things you described as we progress through the development. We don’t have most systems and mechanics yet, but, when we get to actual gameplay loop we are aiming for, things should get more diverse and interesting.

About maps: noted (: