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(3 edits) (+6)

Okay can i say something regarding what i think about the game?
It's good I like whats going on, the gameplay is solid BUT.
Here are some things i think would be nice to help gameplay.

1. Player run speed is horrible, he runs like he has a boner the whole time which is fair but not good for gameplay, Very easily caught in a chase i think raising the run speed of both the player and the fnaf characters would be a good idea. (movement is everything and seeing as the girls can just walk into the office? i would like to be able to out run them at least till my stamina runs out.)maybe lower stamina for balance.

2. Make the girls walk when they are just searching around (give them a brain to look around where you were last seen)

3. Have one of the girls crawl in the vents that or add a new girl to do that the vents are overpowered currently. (You even have the ability to shut some vents so doing that would be cool.)

4. I love what you did with Chicu because it forced me to go out of the office if i didn't want to have her running around... too bad i don't know how to keep Bonny at bay. Probably should add new UI in the camera to keep her happy playing games with the coins her timer is too short seeing as i have to run between her and the tasks and the other girls.
Maybe allow me to put in all my coins collected at once so she doesnt come after me right away. (timer is very short)

5. Maybe give all the girls different abilities like in the normal games
Frenni: Mess with lights or sneaks up on you.
Fexa: Super Fast CAN actually beat you in a chase.
Chiku: Stalker likes to rat you out to your current location.
Bonni: Messes with the cameras maybe likes to distract with booba. Good way to block your view or just likes to flank.

I have more ideas for this but that's all i would really like to see.
1. Movement Bad Please Make Better.
2. Better Search AI
3. Vents Overpowered Need Flaw
4. Bonni needs work.
5.Special Abilities maybe?
Thanks for readin 😉