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You know you've lost when you're writing full paragraphs in a dead convo


except like I've said neither of us can win or loose because it an opinion based argument and if this is dead why dont you go about your life like i said im trying to just leave this behind me you aren't you're focused on it and i said sorry for the paragraph as i know it was long all you're doing is making yourself look like a dick by trying to look like you've won in a opinionative  argument stop trying to win and fuck of

you're the one who started this, you're the one who ends it. Simple.

(5 edits) (+1)(-1)

Then allow it to end it already should have ended when I tried before but you aren't trying to end it you keep talking if you shut up I will too simple effective and being delayed by your incessant need to be better than everyone in an argument just be quiet neither of us won or lost I’ve already ended the argument on my end this is just me trying to make you shut up and leave me alone It’s already ended you have to accept that and stop being a bitch that you couldn’t win an unwinnable argument stop being a child and have some resolve for once in your meaninglessness life

im gonna keep replying until you stfu cause this is hilarious

thank for telling me bye bye