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Really different but fun game to play, i like that this game has a simple but effective combat system that also includes breakable walls which is a nice addition. The enemies as easy to kill and don't pose much of a threat unless you have very little ammo.

Pros: Simple game with easy to control gameplay,Guns are very powerful and useful, the rocket launcher being used as both weapon and for breaking walls to get 1 of the collectables. The fact that the collectables make a noise that allow you to know where the item is. The enemies constanly chasing you making it more stressful to collect ammo.

Con: Wasnt able to pick up ammo which was a little frustrating. The shotgun seems to shot more like a sniper.  One of the collectable that you have to pick up counted as 2 which didnt allow me to techniqually complete the game as i went over the main task limit. The grenade didnt seem to be much of a weapon and wasnt able to be used to break the breakable wall which was a little dissappointing.

Overall: I really like game for the combat and found the gun play as i found them enjoyable.