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so creating games isn't a job? tell me way you pay to watch a film but you won't pay to play a game!!!


Just ignore the dude, it takes a special kind of mindset and entitlement to think that one should make something that requires effort and time for free.


And you can fuck right off too. DO NOT TEST ME.

you need to big time chill. look, we all hate paywalls a little. that doesn't mean that they aren't necessary. it's a bit different, but it's like playing a demo and then dropping 20 bucks for the game on steam or similar. at the end of the day, people gotta make money, we don't have to agree with it but that doesn't change the fact that bills have to be paid. that being said, they are still nice enough to include free releases, no one HAS to give out free content but they can. just enjoy that the entire game isn't behind a paywall.


I don’t. That’s what youtube is for. It should be illegal to put a price tag on a thing I can’t touch.


Replying here 'cuz the dude is venting, haha, just ignore him.  Dude doesn't deserve your time or attention.

thanks for the help *thumb up*