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Very good game! Incredibly polished, and has a very clean aesthetic and sound to it. The movement was very snappy and felt very fun to play with. The difficulty scales are also very nice, the harder levels get very challenging, while keeping it mostly fair. Unfortunately, I do have some problems with it:

  • Mainly, no restart or pause. A lot of times I would fall into the spike pits, and there just wouldn't be any fast way for me to get out of the pit or restart, forcing me to have to walk around and take damage 9 times until I die. This coupled with the bug where you need to walk around in spikes to take damage makes it pretty annoying to quickly retry.
  • This one's a bit more down to personal preference, but I feel like the stamina bar feels pretty slow. The dash is the most fun part of the game to me, and having to wait multiple seconds to dash in such a fast-paced game kills the momentum a bit.
  • A bit nitpicky, you don't really have to kill anything. The combat in this game is pretty standard, so I don't have a problem with that, but you can skip every enemy without even hitting them, as far as I know. I'm not sure whether this is intentional, and it didn't really make me enjoy the game any less, I just felt like it was a little weird.
  • Lastly, I kind of wish that there was some sort of timer. This one isn't a complaint, but the game feels and plays like a speedrun game, and so I would've liked if there was some sort of timer. Not having one didn't really take away from my enjoyement, I just wish that it was there.

Overall, despite the complaints, it's a very fun fast-paced game with some great movement. Fantastic job!

Thanks for playing the game. I will be honest with you, I intended to add pause, and option, with bosses for each stage, but I had some technical issue since I'm quite new to Godot engine. There were some cases with FPS drop, and had to search around to solve that So, I had to focus on level design on last days before deadline, since it's the core gameplay.

1- I see, that was a bad game design decision from my side, it was boring when I was testing it, but i thought that will properly be a good thing to convey that "hard" mode is unforgiving. That was too much. I took note of that.

2- Originally, there was no stamina bar, but then the game was" broken", that you can spam dash. But, point is taken will make sure to adjust the Stamina recovery rate, perhaps let it gain even when on air too will be good.

3- I was planning to add gates, but then I thought you are a ninja, you can just move on and avoid what you want. So, combat became non mandatory.

4- Nice idea! Thanks for that. I missed this point.

Not all, I really appreciate the feedback. Thanks for taking the time.