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French sucks why would anyone want to learn French, I want to kill French that's what, I hate French. Since no one will appreciate my useless French talent, you guys will!

Je ne parle pas français.

J'ai bu de l'eau avant-hier.

Salut, je deteste s'ennuye.

By the way I just said:

"I do not speak French."

"I drank water before yesterday."

"Hey, I hate being bored." (Hey as a casual hello, usually said among friends)

Aren't I so smart. I'm a big smarty pants.


Thats why i stopped taking french after middle school


I wish, apparently my stupid ass school won't let us pick our lessons even though they should.



even in high school?


I'm in high school-


my mommy speaks french


wow, how much French?


a lot

she studied in France for more than 2 years


dam, my French knowledge is like a crumb compared to studying in France for 2 years.

I could never, I'm already struggling and this is like baby stuff if you asked any real French person.


i mean my mother went too a private school growing up considering she was rich. like this bitch had a whole ass personal maid rich. she went too school with one of the granddaughters of the President. that’s literally how rich she was. but anyways, in her school, she was uhhh, learning english considering she only spoke Spanish and when she got into High school she studied French 

But yeah my mother has always sorta acceded in everything, so she excepts the same from me 



That's a lot of pressure-
