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because we all lack sympathy


because no one cared that I almost died. Is that seriously people's reaction to someone almost dying?



I mean not from my experience 




We're just shitty teens that's all- 

Also not being rude here but some people might not know how to respond to that, so that's why they've been quiet /nm

(2 edits) (-1)

I'm just asking for an "I'm sorry u had to go through that" or a "I hope you're feeling better now" just anything. Even a "holy shit what the fuck did I just read" would've been better than just absolute silence like you didn't care./nm

I just feel upset abt it is all. Also I'm a big dramatic cry baby who needs attention because I'm selfish.


You have every right to be upset

And your not dramatic or a crybaby


thank you.

You're wrong, but thank you anyway, and I'm not saying that as like putting myself down I mean like literally I am way too dramatic about literally everything. The slightest little thing can set me off, I should probably take some kind of anger management class or smthn.


your welcome
