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trust me I don't like it any more than you do.

I think what you need to kinda rember is that I didn't just write all this just to gross you out I lived this. I suffered through this physically not just as a random post in a comments section.

I almost died. If you're so disturbed now, imagine how I feel. I can't even eat without wondering if I'm gonna vomit or not, I can't drink coffee because it's probably not a good idea, I can't drink anything I like, I have to take so much medicine every single day, I have suffered and I still have to balance my friends who keep showing up at my door every frickin second, like it's cool that they care but personal space, on top of all of it. I'm just about done with everything that's happened this week, I don't even care how disgusting or weird you think it is cause really it isn't, people vomit, people get injections in their buttcheeks, it happens, these things happen every single day, why's everyone so weirded out by normal things that happen all the time?

But no yeah it's fine, whatever. Just drop a "." And move on. How could a post about vomit be important.

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Sorry. I can't imagine the amount of pain that you've been in the past week. Also sorry for my rude response.I didn't mean to offend you. Edit: I see that you are leaving. So I just wanna apologize again and say that I wish you nothing but the best.😁

(1 edit) (-1)

It's fine, and thank you. I hope you live a full and wonderful life, you really are a wonderful person and I enjoyed the time we spent together.

Tho you probably mostly remember me as The Alpha or DaQueenOfYou or one of my 20 billion other names idk I think I was Believe in Magic at one point as well. Anyway have fun.