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my boyfriend almost fricking died in our shop class today

So we have a little spray hose of like super super compressed air or whatevs, we use it to get sawdust off

But the thing is you are NOT supposed to put it on your skin because it'll make like air bubbles go into your bloodstream and you'll have like a brain aneurysm or something 

Idk, but my bf, who doesn't pay attention to the rules was like "oooh whats this, spray-y hose thing" and sprayed it at the floor and then in the air and he almost put it on his hand

He would've had me and an acquaintance of ours not screamed "NO" at him

And i had to explain why he cant do the thing

It was a whole production 

And then i got sawdust in my eye  





Very stressful 


no actually air bubbles in the blood cause strokes or heart attacks. An aneurysm only happens when there's a weakened blood vessel wall. I should know, my dad's a doctor and my sister is trying to become a doctor, she's currently in college.



it was still stressful 

Heart attacks are also not cool