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great game, great art, 8/10. text is super small but you get used to it eventually. would be better with animations but whatever... also the overarching plot of the story is well written and decently funny at times. can be pretty repetetive if you are trying to absolutely 100% the game but really there isnt any major difference if you dont; its more for your own satisfaction rather than any story difference. if breeding is your fetish, this game is definitely one of the best games out there. if you take into account games that are actually finished, this and the first installment are easily top 5.

there is a commenter below here that basically says "hurr durr there are tr@nnies in this game hurr durrr i cant deal with that" but that misrepresents the game. one character was born male and is now genetically female (aka no dick and all the female parts) due to space magic science. if thats your biggest issue with a game about a deadbeat dad impregnating women and leaving while hired by a possibly corrupt and powerful shadow organization that's mission statement is making women want to become "breedsl#ts" than grow up dude. she is even in the sample images to the right but i bet you wouldn't know which one if they didnt tell you.