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Really Confused On The Wheelchair But very CUTE!!

Very cute character! What is confusing about the wheelchair? Maybe I can take notes for future projects~

Maybe it's because you used a hospital wheelchair? I've been told that hospital wheelchairs are uncomfortable and aren't made for moving by yourself. /genuine

It is nice to see someone curious! I took a picture of my friend's wheelchair for this project and just got some information from them: Apparently this is a 'LT-700T Wheelchair'. They told me this specific design is built to be lightweight and easy to fold/store which does make it less comfortable. They said they purchased an extra cushion to go underneath for this reason. One thing I didn't know was that there are attachable leg cushions that I did not include in the drawing.

Cool! Maybe you could include other types of wheelchairs if you use (I don't know if use is the right word) them again? Maybe allow them to be changed in a similar way to changing skin tone? /Genuine 

So true! There are so many different designs and styles that's a great idea

Thank You! Im just wondering what happened to the character to need a wheelchair? or is it just a prop you added? but i think in your next non-chibi game you should add different poses! Only a suggestion, thanks for replying.

Thank you so much for the feedback! I wanted to include a wheelchair for this project because I've never seen a dress up model using one before and thought it would be fun to represent some different body types.  I will totally think about adding different poses, it's just challenging because you need to redraw the clothes for each pose. Appreciate the suggestions! As far as the model's backstory/personality- that is all up to you! 

Ah, That is true you get an A+ For creativity,  and if you ever consider making new poses or try to and fail then dont sweat it just keep doing what you do best!