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Ezmore's Crystals is a great, fast paced adventure RPG. The world is very large and there are lots of areas to explore and find items. The Lego style aspect in the game gives it a lot of it's charm but the movement is quite flawed. For example, when your camera gets blocked by a tree while you are click to moving, the character becomes stuck and you cannot move because you cannot click anywhere to move. I think that a WASD-based movement would be better for this type of game, with an auto-lock on enemy system. When I killed the Cyclops, I had not gotten the quest to kill the Cyclops beforehand, therefore bugging the quest and making the witch NPC practically useless. The witch's GUI would be covered by the map anyways, essentially making her even more useless. To this day, I still don't know what she does because I cannot see the title of the shop or whatever.

The combat in this game is very basic and simple. Very easy to understand and learn compared to other games such as Elden Ring or Dark Souls. The combat in those games focus on more player interactivity, where as in this game the most player activity you'll get is to drink potions and move around to kill the enemy. The combat in this game is more of a stat-check to see if your equipment is good enough, or just spamming potions every second to save yourself from dying. I believe that the combat is very simple, but I guess it gives some of the charm of it, but some more aspects of combat such as parrying or dodging could make it better. 

An aspect of the combat system are spells. You can unlock spells by increasing your max mana to the point where you can use the spell, albeit it takes all of your mana. During my playthrough, I only managed to get 3 spells. A critical attack spell, a healing spell and a stunning spell. I believe the spells should be acquired differently, such as finding tomes in dungeons to learn spells from or finding the spells inside of Ezmore's or Ezmerela's Tower.

The bosses in Ezmore's Crystals are quite intense, because you need to keep a close watch on your health bar and potions to know if you have enough health to beat the boss, but you also need to keep a close watch on the boss, which is usually accompanied by a few archers while do light damage to you, but the damage adds up over time along with the bosses heavy damage which will eventually kill you if you do not consume a potion.

The potion system seems to be very similar to Dark-Souls type games, but the obtainment of the said potions are very tedious and time consuming. I did, however find a bug in the game which allowed me to "duplicate" potions for my own use, as well as killing enemies forever, even if I died in a dungeon, while stilling getting their potions on the floor. The bug was that if you killed an enemy in a dungeon and you exited the dungeon, the enemy would die forever and would never spawn again. This same bug sort of ruined the Cyclops Killer questline for me because I lost the eye he dropped and he would never respawned because I exited out of the forest.

The weapons in the game are very confusing because they get overshadowed by the weapons that Ezmore gives us such as the sword that he gives us after saving him, and the staff that he gives us in the end that is very powerful. It doesn't help that when you level up, all of the weapons in the game gets a damage boost, making it very confusing to choose weapons. The matter of weapon speed is there too, but the weapons that actually have slow speed do not do enough damage to make up for it. For example, the axe weapon does about 30 damage at a moderate level and hitting at slower speeds. The sword that Ezmore gives you does 40 damage and attacks very fast. Which one would you choose? The open world aspect of the game is very overshadowed by the main questline because it allows you to get amazing loot from the dungeons and progress through the game more quickly.

Overall, the game is very simple, and the content added is very fun. There are lots of flaws, but the game is very good still with its simplistic theme and gameplay. I believe the combat could be better, along with potion gathering as the combat is not very skill based by itself. I do enjoy the bosses as they are very intense to fight, but they usually get killed very easily. There are lots of bugs, but they are not particularity game breaking, while some are.

Overall Score: 7/10