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(1 edit)

Issue solved, see changelog above

I've been made aware there is a game-breaking bug. The factory machine gets stuck in a "Interaction Start" state and counts to infinity instead of starting to work... this should not happen for 3 reasons:

  • The excavator has identical logic for this part, and it works fine
  • That state's only job is to take resources and pass on to "WORKING" or "INSUFFICIENT RESOURCES" there is no logic that would allow it to stay in that state.
  • This does not happen in the Editor. I've done a "Debug" build to check, no errors are even being thrown...

Very weird, but it is clear the game does not work. I will leave the submission in here, but I probably have to make a patched version Monday evening once I work out why there is this discrepancy in behaviour. I can't even blame myself for starting late on this one, there is no way I could have caught that before building which I never planned on doing before the final day of the jam.