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(1 edit)

Hi. Does anyone know how to remove  background from text box on Android? Or how to change its opacity?

If u r using JoiPlay you got two options, Set the letter H on any button of Joiplay's Gamepad (Go to settings/GamepadSettings), or open the Joiplay Keyboard and press letter H (to open Gamepad you'll ser an arrow on bottom middle screen, to change the Gamepad to Keyboard you tap on anothet arrow at topmiddle screen, tapping again on Keyboard Icon

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Thanks for reply. But  i wanted to permanently remove textbox. When u press H you remove text too. Or can you recommend another emulator with text settings?

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unfortunately idk how to do that, i believe textbox is modiffied directly on Renpy's code but i know nothing about it :c


if you know how to install and work with mods, you can find what you need among the modifications.

Unfortunately, i dont